I am just starting this journey of becoming an egg donor or possibly surrogate mother. I have many many reasons why I have always wanted to do this. Since I was little actually I have thought about it. But now I feel it is the right time and I not only can help someone else realize there dreams of becoming a parent but I may also realize mine.
I am engaged to the most wonderful man that I love more than I ever thought possible. The only problem is he had a vasectomy a few years ago before we got together. Now we have decided that we want a family together but the cost of a reversal is so high that it would take us a very long time to come up with that kind of money. So I started looking into our options. And it occurred to me that maybe I could kinda pay it forward sorta. I can help someone realize there dreams and use the money to help us realize ours as well.
I am hoping that someone out there reads my story and maybe we can help each other realize a wonderfully beautiful and precious dream.