Also known as third party reproduction, the use of donated eggs and sperm is a wonderful option for many intended parents, but it does have some legal implications.
It is crucial that you understand and consider all of the legal aspects of being an egg donor.
Egg Donors are typically asked to sign two contracts; one with the agency and one with the egg recipient. The contract generally details your responsibilities and those of the egg recipient.
Be aware of your state’s laws and requirements concerning third party reproduction.
Maintaining Your Privacy during Egg Donation
An agency will gather a great deal of information about you from your application and during the screening process. Egg Donors must come to an agreement to let an agency disclose confidential information to egg recipients.
If you are donating anonymously, the recipient will not be given your name or any personal information about you.
Many regulations require an agency to keep personal information about you on file. Some of this information may be available to the child.
What are my Parental Privileges?
After the egg retrieval, you have no rights to the eggs. You hold no responsibility as to the result of the pregnancy. The egg recipient is legally and financially responsible for any resultant child.
The clear intent is for the recipient to become the Intended parent, and it is extremely unlikely that the donor would be able to establish themselves as the legal guardian of any child born as a result of their donation.