Surrogacy Guide

Guilt that Accompanies a Surrogacy Miscarriage

Guide for Surrogate Mothers

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What defines a miscarriage? A miscarriage is the untimely, unprompted expulsion of the pregnancy from the uterus before week 23, typically taking place in the first trimester. Loss of the fetus after week 23 is called still-birth.

In most cases, miscarriages are an unidentifiable cause, however most commonly the source of a first trimester miscarriage is a genetic defect in the embryo. Surrogates often feel mistakenly guilty for their pregnancy leading to a miscarriage.

Feeling of Remorse

This remorse or self-reproach caused by feeling solely responsible is often worse because women experiencing a miscarriage filter the same threat for postpartum depression as women who endure a healthy pregnancy. Blame, however, is reason enough to feel depressed and intensifies stress and hormones.

With miscarriage numbers on the rise, first time miscarriages may not lead to medical investigation, particularly if it takes place proceeding the 12th week of pregnancy. For miscarriages occurring more than three times, your doctor will grant testing to discover potential causes.

Resources: https://www.webmd.com/baby/guide/pregnancy-miscarriage#2 

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