Surrogacy Guide

Causes of Female Infertility

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Numerous medical conditions can contribute to infertility.

In fact, most cases of infertility are due to other medical conditions. These disorders can damage the fallopian tubes, interfere with ovulation, or cause hormonal complications.

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, if you are under the age of 35 you should consider seeing a specialist if you have been actively trying to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. 6 months for women over 35.

What are the Causes of Female Infertility?


Failing to ovulate due to irregular menstrual cycles, ovulatory dysfunction by suboptimal follicular development or a defect in the luteal stage of the menstrual cycle prominently leads to failed fertilization, lack of embryo implantation and early miscarriages. There are several syndromes that cause anovulation.

Tubal Factor

Obstruction to the fallopian tube or surrounding scar tissue will make it difficult or unmanageable for the oocyte or sperm to extend to the mid-segment. Fertilization will not occur as it occurs naturally if this happens.

Uterine Factor

Embryos implant in the uterine cavity; if fibroids, polyps or adhesions are present inside embryos will fail to implant. Unfortunately women may be born with anomalies of the uterine cavity such as intrauterine septum or bicornuate uterus.

Cervical Mucus Factor

Natural cervical mucus acts as a basin where sperm survives along its journey to the tubes. When this natural mucus is not produced, fertility is compromised. Although this is a rare addition to infertility, it is most collective in women who have had cervix complications, biopsies or cryosurgery.


When this condition presents itself in the pelvis, ovaries, and/or fallopian tubes it typically distorts the normal anatomy. Implantation of endometriosis distributed throughout the pelvis region can diminish fertility even if the ovaries and tubes remain unrestricted.

Low Ovarian Reserve

At birth, a women’s body reserves a set number of eggs. As men continually produce new sperm throughout their reproductive years, As men continually produce new sperm throughout their reproductive years, women have a fixed number of egg, which decrease with ovulation and atresia. At the age of 35, ovarian reserve is low and quality of the remainder eggs are poor. At this age both the number of eggs as well as the quality of the remaining eggs begins to diminish, leaving a lower success rate of pregnancy.

When Ovarian reserve levels are low or eggs are of poor quality, women attain effective rates through IVF with egg donation.

Implantation Failure

Thin endometrial lining, hormonal deficiencies, infections, chromosomal abnormalities can lead to initial failure of embryo implantation.


ASRM American Society for Reproductive Medicine

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