Dr.Anita Mani
***Infertility& Surrogacy Specialist at Gift IVF Centre
ICSI(Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection):
When the number of good quality sperms are low IVF cannot be performed .In such cases, eggs can be directly fertilized by injecting the sperm into the egg by the help of sophisticated micromanipulator.This procedure is ICSI.
Severe oligospermia, asthenospermia, Teratospermia due to any cause.Azoospermia (absent sperm) due to any cause can also treated by ICSI after obtaining sperms by aspiration team testis.(TESE, TESA, PESA)
ICSI Procedure
After the eggs are obtained the embryologist will select a healthy sperm and do ICSI.The resulting embryo is transferred into the uterus by Embryo transfer(ET).The technique of ET is highly skilled procedure.As they are very delicate, the embryos need to be handled in a very gentle manner and they are loaded in very soft, non toxic cannula.Difficulty, or presence of blood suggest high chances of failure.So the ET is performed with great concentration and high precision.
The skill and presence of mind of the doctor is crucial in this final step.Performing Yoga and listening to relaxing music helps in more accurate ET.Artistic skills may be helpful in this particular procedure.Doctors who are too busy or nervous should not do ET as valuable embryos will be lost.
Luteal Support:-
Medicines are given to support the growth of the baby as Vaginal preparations or sometimes as injections, called Luteal support.
Pregnancy Test:-
UPT is done on 14th day to check result.Blood test (bhcg) can also be done.Depending on the result, doctors will give further advises.
FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer):-
Embryos can be frozen if there are excess embryos.They are transferred (FET)in later months according to cycle.
In cases if pregnancy does not occur due to failure of implantation or poor embryo quality, doctors will counsel to provide further options
and to clarify your doubts.
Success Rate:-
Depends on quality of egg and sperm and physicians skill also plays a part.Generally we have 60% success in young healthy couple, 30% success in aged couples.(more than 35 years) We discourage IVF after 40, and offer DE if willing.
Chances of abnormality:
There is slightly increased chance of abnormality in baby in ICSI (2%) compared to IVF (1%) of general population (1%).It is quite logical to know that genetic abnormalities which may cause sperm problems will be, obviously transmitted to next generation.
Again, the success depends on quality of eggs and sperms.Our embryologist is highly skilled and the can offer 60% success if gametes are healthy.