Dr.Anita Mani
***Infertility& Surrogacy Specialist at Gift IVF Centre
Success rates in infertility
World wide , IUI success rate is around 7 to 20 %.
Medicines 10 % , medicine plus injections 20%.
it will be higher if 4 to 6 cycles are done.Also the success is higher with donor sperm IUI (20 to 40%after 4 cycles )
At GIFT, IUI success is 8% in Bangalore and 13 % in cochin, the quality of sperms are quite bad in Bangalore generally.
International Success in IVF is 30 to 60 % depending on quality of embryos, which in turn is dependant on the quality of gametes.Younger the women, better the result.BMI and ovarian reserve are other important determining factors.There are genetic problems in 50 % of the cases, which mostly doesn’t get detected leading to low success.
At GIFT, success is high in couple with normal children and in young women less than 30 years, 60%.(IVF for secondary infertility can be done for couple with child ) Donor egg IVF success is 60 to 80% in women with healthy uterus.
Success in ICSI is similar to IVF, but will be less if the sperms are very poor in quality .Even if egg fertilises , it may not implant if its not good embryo.GIFT success in creating embryo is high, ie 80%, but live birth rate after ICSI for abnormal semen is around 30%.
Laparoscopy is very effective in infertility treatment, especially in case of PCOS, and 60 % conceive after the procedure.
Surrogacy has good success even if patient fails to conceive after all the other procedures, especially if donor egg is used .Up to 80 % couple will be able to take home baby after surrogacy with donor eggs.Repeated cycles of IVF or Frozen Embryo Transfer(FET) may be required, to find success, but more than 3 cycles of IVF is not recommended .FET can be done any number of times, as it does not involve stimulation or egg pick up.