Salad recipe which can work wonders like the VIAGRA !!!!!!!!!!!!
Many men go to great lengths to procure Viagra to improve their sexual performance, but most of them are unaware of it’s side effects.So why do you want to spoil your health by taking unnatural tablets, when mother nature has blessed us with all the natural Ingredients.Put together all the following ingredients, add some seasoning and the outcome will be surprising.The salad will not only be delicious, but also work as Viagra.
The secret Ingerdients
Tomato cubed
Watermelon chunks
Ripe Pappaya cubed
Orange skinned and sliced
Green pepper corns few
Shatavari (Indian asparagus) juice
Yellow and red bell pepper chopped
Passion fruit extract
pumpkin seeds few
walnut few
Dr.Anita Mani
Infertility& Surrogacy Specialist at Gift IVF Centre
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