How to increase chance of pregnancy ?
1.Early marriage in twenties rather than thirties or forties
2.Good diet including lots of fruits, salads, fresh green veggies and nuts , avoid fried,oily, sweet and processed food
3.Moderate exercise - Just 30 mt brisk walking , can help
4.Regular sex - Sexual intercourse 2 to 3 times a week or spontaneous sex gives better result than forced and timed intercourse at ovulation time
5.Reducing stress - Yoga , music , hobbies, holidays etc are good form of stress busters
6.Stop smoking / alcohol/drugs- Strict no to smoking and drinking
7.Proper tests - Scientific analysis by doing hormone tests , semen analysis, scans, tube tests, laparoscopy etc can detect the cause for the problem early
8.Early treatment - Proper timely treatment will give better result and will help in avoiding prolonged wait and financial loss.