I lost my ability to have children of my own.I had an ovarian cyst the size of a grapefruit completely cover my left ovary and fallopian tube when I was 17 years old.I had to get it all removed.By age 26 I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl who is 8 years old now.In *** I conceived twins but unaware at the time.I was seven weeks pregnant but my levels weren't raising like they should have been.I had pain on my right side constantly.Doctors thought it was a kidney stone or a threatened miscarriage.My levels werent dropping at all but they werent raising like they should be so by my fifth visit they decided to rush me to another hospital to have a laroscopic surgery done to see what was wrong.That's when I learned I was pregnant with twins, one on my uterus and the other in my fallopian tube which was no more because it burst.The doctor had to remove the excess of my tube as well as the baby.When I got home from the hospital I had a miscarriage with the other baby.Now I only have an ovary.I do not have money to have a chold through in vitro nor a partner in my life to help.I offered to donate my eggs but they will not allow because of over exposure or something like that plus my BMW is irregular, or I don't have a college degree, or .some other reason.I still would feel more like the woman I used to be if I could get the chance to help others start a family.