PGD Test

Related to Intended Parents | Posted on January 22nd, 2020
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Best wishes Ivf Baby🐬What is PGD?? #PGD #IVF Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a reproductive technology used along with an IVF cycle to increase the potential for a successful pregnancy and delivery. PGD is a genetic test on cells removed from embryos, to help select the best embryo(s) to achieve pregnancy or to avoid a genetic disease for which a couple is at risk. WHO SHOULD CONSIDER PGD? PGD may be considered in all IVF cycles; however, those who might benefit most from this test are couples at increased risk for chromosome abnormalities or specific genetic disorders. This includes women who have had several miscarriages, or who have had a prior pregnancy with a chromosome abnormality. Women over 38 years of age and men with some types of sperm abnormalities may produce embryos with higher rates of chromosome abnormalities. This test is also known as PGT-A (aneuploidy). In addition, if a person carries a structural rearrangement of the chromosomes, PGD can identify which embryos have a normal amount of chromosomal material. This technology is also known as PGT-SR (structural rearrangement). When there is a 25% or 50% chance to have a child affected with a specific genetic disease, PGD can be designed to identify which embryos are affected, unaffected, or a carrier (if applicable) for that disease. Then, only embryos without the disease are transferred to the uterus to attempt pregnancy. This is also known as PGT-M (monogenic disorders).

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Fertility Clinic, Kiev, Ukraine
IVFbabyFertility - Fertility Clinic
Location: Ukraine / Kiev | Member since: February 15th, 2019 [EDT]
The Center for Reproductive Medicine "IVFbaby" specializes in IVF-programs, surrogate motherhood, egg donation and reproductive health. The Center for Reproductive Medicine applies comprehensive treat ... See Profile
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