Although the term is commonly known to everyone and it has resulted in hundred and thousands of healthy babies, IVF or in vitro fertilization- is still a topic which is not discussed openly we will rarely witness a person talking openly about issues related to IVF. Surrounded by misunderstandings and fears, there are various misconceptions going on about IVF that we can only understand IVF once we start out IVF journey and after 2-3 cycles we are pretty well aware of the procedure and that’s why we think that IVF is no longer a Taboo…
As a myth followed in Indian society a women who is not able t conceive are treated as social evils and had to undergo many tolls from then, for such couples IVF is not less than a miracle to them. The very first question which arises in everybody’s mind is “WHAT IS IVF”?
IVF or in vitro fertilization is a process where an egg is fertilized with the sperm outside the body and after the period of 4-5 days the embryo is then transferred to uterus. This procedure is popularly known as test tube baby. Another question which is there in everybody’s mind is “WHO ALL CAN GO FOR IVF”?
If any female experiences following symptoms then we need to consult our healthcare provider.
Tubal diseases
Ovulation issues
Age of the couples
Male infertility factors
Pre implantation of genetic diseases.
Ivf is basically a infertility treatment and couples who are not able to conceive can go for IVF treatment and for many it proves to be a medical boon.
The following are the procedure involved in IVF
Initial evaluation: this includes blood tests, ultrasounds, semi fluid examinations etc.
Suppression of natural hormonal cycle
Ovarian stimulation
Collection of eggs/ oocyted
In vitro fertilization of oocytes
Embryo transfer
Most often it happens that IVF, is offered as primary treatment for women over age of 30 yrs. Ivf is performed if you have any certain health issues. For example IVF may be an option for you if you witness following issues:
Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
Ovulation issues
Premature failure of the ovaries
Impaired sperm production
Unexplained infertility
A genetic disorder
Females who do not have a functional uterus or for whom pregnancy gives a serious health risk they might choose IVF using a surrogate mother. In this case women’s eggs are fertilized with males sperm and then transferred to the surrogate mother.
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