Dr.Anita mani
***Infertility Specialist at Gift IVF Centre
Inserting Sperm Into the Uterus
IUI Preparation
IUI, or intrauterine insemination, is a relatively simple infertility treatment, where a small tube is used to place specially washed sperms directly into the uterus.IUI e commonly known as artificial insemination (AI).IUI and AI are one and the same fertility treatment.
Detailed consultation and counseling is done before IUI
Male sub fertility
Unexplained infertility
Female subfertilty
Teratozoospermia (abnormal sperms)
Cost: IUI is not expensive and is quite affordable.
Success Rate: depends on cause and age, varies from 10 to 60 %.
At GIFT the embryologist , depending on the quality of the sperm, uses double density method if count is very low and swim up technique for normal count.This will give better results unlike the ordinary lab preparations.The andrology lab is attached to the IVF lab, so the embryologist controls all the lab operations.