How agency helped me.
During the last four years, I felt so unhappy because did not see so desirable two lines on the test. I had the only problem - polycystic ovary. I was trying to treat it so many times and in so many clinics but without any result. The only way out was IVF program. The way to this decision was not short, but we could not even think about our childless future. We have been advised agency from Ukraine and it was chosen as our guide to our happy future. We were pleased to know all the details about the IVF procedure and the process itself. Of course, there were some risks, but they are everywhere. I have to say I've heard about some unsuccessful cases from other people. psychologist and all its staff helped me to overcome my hesitations and I have decided to take a risk and started the preparations for the procedure.I had to take pills, injections and then it was a puncture. How I was surprised and disappointed when got to know that first all the embryo were fertilized, but only two left on the fifth day. It was like to loose children. Doctors advised transferring not one, but two embryos. Very short and not painful procedure. After two weeks test showed so desirable two lines!! One embryo was accepted. My pregnancy was easy and I have become a mother! That is why I recommend everybody to work with as this is a real chance for the happy motherhood.
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