IVF is a method of the assisted reproduction when a man’s sperm and the woman’s eggs are combined in a laboratory dish where fertilization takes place, the resulting embryo gets then moved to the women’s uterus to implant and develop pregnancy naturally. Basically, 2 or 3 three embryones are placed in the uterus of the woman at one time. In the whole procedure of IVF treatment, embryo transfer plays an important role and embryo transfer refers to a step in the process of assisted reproduction in which embryo are placed in the uterus of a female with the intent to establish a pregnancy. The embryo placement procedure depends on the age of the woman for example the patient is under 40 so one or two embryones will place and if the patient is above 40 so the more than 3 embryones will transfer in the uterus of the woman. For the successful IVF transfer the embryo clinically testing take place to know the quality of the embryo.