We have a 15 years old marriage and my wife having some health issues. We waited until our mid 40's and tried IVF with two unsuccessful attempts ...
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We can help you))
Hello! My name is Anastasiia.I’m representative of a center of reproductive medicine “New life”.Our center will give you the opportunity to have a healthy child.We have a huge choice of services.We specialize on individual IVF programs of transferring embryos into the uterus of a surrogate mother, also we can find a donor, and we have a program of IVF with the participation of the egg donor surrogate mother.For your desire, we can arrange for you to meet with a donor egg.Our additional services include transportation cryopreserved eggs, as well as transportation cryosurgery embryo.
“New life” is a legal center of reproductive medicine.We promise you to provide all the information and help you throughout the process, also we give you guarantee of success, because our professionals have a lot of practice also they will always help you to choose a donor or women to bear your child.
We will be happy to assist you in achieving your dreams.
If you are interested in a price list or some other additional information, we will always be happy to help you.
Looking for a healthy surrogate mother preferably in and around Pune
Looking for a surrogate mother immediately for gastetional surrogacy .Please contact
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Hello! My name is Anastasiia.I’m representative of a center of reproductive medicine “New life”.Our center will give you the opportunity to have a healthy child.We have a huge choice of services.We specialize on individual IVF programs of transferring embryos into the uterus of a surrogate mother, also we can find a donor, and we have a program of IVF with the participation of the egg donor surrogate mother.For your desire, we can arrange for you to meet with a donor egg.Our additional services include transportation cryopreserved eggs, as well as transportation cryosurgery embryo. “New life” is a legal center of reproductive medicine.We promise you to provide all the information and help you throughout the process, also we give you guarantee of success, because our professionals have a lot of practice also they will always help you to choose a donor or women to bear your child. We will be happy to assist you in achieving your dreams. If you are interested in a price list or some other additional information, we will always be happy to help you.
Looking for a surrogate mother immediately for gastetional surrogacy .Please contact
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