I am twenty one years young and have the most beautiful intelligent two year old on the face if the earth.My daughter means everything to me an has changed my life sooo much for the better.I could not imagine my life with out her.I can remember every second of the day I had her line it was yesterday I remember her cute hiccups she had while I was pregnant with her every little kick the 3d ultra sound videos I still sometimes watch the happiest two years and nine moths of my life and so many more to come.And then one day it hit me that there are some people that will never get a chance to experience that.People that want that more than anything I.The whole entire world that can't, and that broke my heart.Everyone should know the joy of all those things even if it's someone else keeping you're little one healthy for nine months.I still have horrible stretch marks from my daughter I use to be embarrassed of and I definitely don't way *** lbs anymore but I would get a million more stretch marks and gain a thousand more pounds just to see the look on someone's face when their baby is born.
Maybe you could email me? ***
Hi Kelsey- I am not sure how this works... I haven't paid for the premium membership. Can you contact me?