Surrogacy news

Dustin Lance Black On Surrogacy, Fertility And Why He And Tom Daley Are Confronting The Critics Of His Fatherhood Choices Head On

By FindSurrogateMother.com Editor on 2018-12-21 06:50:36

Many of the cou­ple’s fans con­grat­u­lated them on the news. Oth­ers, though, were cu­ri­ous - who did the womb in the photo, the vi­tal back­drop to the happy cou­ple’s joy­ful an­nounce­ment - be­long to?

Some ask­ing this ques­tion were dri­ven by ho­mo­pho­bia, a sorry big­otry en­cap­su­lated in the dog-whis­tle of the Daily Mail’s head­line ‘Please don’t pre­tend two dads is the new nor­mal’. Oth­ers, though, were fem­i­nists, long con­cerned about the ethics sur­round­ing what some dub ‘wombs for rent’.

Lance (he goes by his mid­dle name) is ready to talk about these con­cerns, and so many more, be­cause he’s just made a six-part ra­dio docu-se­ries for the BBC all about sur­ro­gacy.Sur­ro­gacy: The Fam­ily Fron­tier, fol­lows Lance as he em­barks on his own new fron­tiers. When he up­loaded that sono­gram photo, sur­ro­gacy was just what his gay friends in Cal­i­for­nia did. It’s what a lot of his straight friends did, too. Now, though, he finds out what other peo­ple think. These in­clude in­tended par­ents, both straight and gay, sur­ro­gates, anti-sur­ro­gacy cam­paign­ers, sur­ro­gacy agen­cies and those at the cut­ting edge of tech­nolo­gies that have made it pos­si­ble for him and Tom to be­come dads.

Read the Entire Story, graziadaily.co.uk/life/tv-and-film/tom-daley-dustin-lance-black-surrogacy-fertility-grazia-interview-sperm-donor-homophobia/

Resource: Grazia Daily

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