Surrogacy news

Manhattan Mom Has 4 Children in 13 Months After Her Surrogate Gives Birth to Twins

By FindSurrogateMother.com Editor on 2019-09-04 02:13:22

After undergoing three rounds of in vitro fertilization and suffering one miscarriage, all Manhattan-based equity salesperson Tracy Caliendowanted was a baby.

When she finally got pregnant from her fourth round of IVF in November 2016, Caliendo (already mom to now-12-year-old Hunter from a previous marriage) and husband Pete Pasetsky took one giant step of precaution: they hired a surrogate, who was implanted with two embryos.

Read the Entire Stort, people.com/human-interest/manhattan-mom-surrogate-4-children-in-13-months/

Resiurce: People

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