Surrogacy news

More local surrogates are having Chinese babies thanks to an international business deal

By FindSurrogateMother.com Editor on 2018-10-11 07:47:38

Hebert, a Kum & Go manager who’s now 35, says that was her second time working as a gestational carrier, something she gets paid for but does mostly because she “loves being pregnant,” and helping people who can’t make a baby themselves. She says carrying a child for the Chinese couple wasn’t much different from her first surrogacy for a couple in Texas — other than the distance and language barrier, which wasn’t something email and Google Translate couldn’t fix.

Read the Entire Story, www.csindy.com/coloradosprings/more-local-surrogates-are-having-chinese-babies-thanks-to-an-international-business-deal/Content?oid=15963936

Resource: Colorado Springs Independent

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