Surrogacy news

Two for the Price of One: An Israeli Gay Couple's American Journey to Fatherhood

By FindSurrogateMother.com Editor on 2019-03-15 04:36:55

We weren’t present for the next stage – the embryo transfer. In January 2018, Tiffany flew to Portland to have the two embryos implanted in her womb. In the surrogacy process, and particularly if it’s done from a distance, it’s difficult to preserve the moment when you’re told about the pregnancy. No one comes out of the bathroom, face glowing and holding a kit on which two stripes have appeared.

Read the Entire Story, www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-two-for-the-price-of-one-an-israeli-gay-couple-s-american-journey-to-fatherhood-1.6980505

Resource: Haaretz

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