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Laura, Finnish Egg Donor in Southern Finland, Finland

Member Type
Egg Donor
Southern Finland
Hair Color
Light Brown
Eye Color
Date Registered
11 years ago
Profile Updated
10 years ago
Last Login
7 years ago
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Egg Donor from Southern Finland, Finland.

My Current Donor Status is

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

Number of Children





My Health is

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

Blood Type



Provided Egg Donation Before

Marital Status

Why I want to be an egg donor:

I have already donated four times internationally during *** donation process has been amazing and unique, I still cannot believe how lucky I am to have been able to help others experience what has been the most amazing thing in my own life: becoming a parent.Three out of the four donations were a success! I would have time for one more donation before going back to studying at the Uni full time in September ***

Description of myself:

I am smart, intuitive, compassionate and a devoted mother to my three children.

Southern Finland

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Paivi, Intended Parent
Commented on February 2nd, 2023 06:48AM [EDT]
Looking for egg donor, age is a limit but not for one specialist in Australia
One specialist is ready to go ahead if I find a donor, I am Finnish Australian Have one daughter, would like to have sibling for her.
small boy, Intended Parent
Commented on November 1st, 2017 09:54AM [EDT]
please help
First of all, our deepest respect and gratefullness for being an egg donor.You cannot imagine how happy somebody like you made us last year! In September *** we were in Southern Finland for insemination of a fresh egg from a Finnish donor.And the miracle happened - it worked! First time right.After trying for almost 15 years without success by other means.9 months later our wonderful little boy was born, without any problems.He is a very happy, sweet and healthy child.A new life was created.Now we really wish a sibling for him.Preferably from the same egg donor.We think that it is very important that he is not alone, especially when he is older.And to have somebody from the same origin.Unfortunately it didn't work with the frozen embryos from *** unfortunately we just passed the age limit in Finland (46).Therefore we are looking now (anonymously) for his Finnish egg donor and a good clinic outside Finland.Do you know a (Finnish) blog or facebook site or any other netwerk where we could find his donor (anonymously)? Unfortunately we don't speak Finnish, we only speak English, Swedish and German but we will manage.We would be extremely grateful for any hint or advice!!!
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