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Claudine, Filipino Egg Donor in Manila, Philippines

Member Type
Egg Donor
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Date Registered
8 years ago
Profile Updated
8 years ago
Last Login
7 years ago
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Egg Donor from Manila, Philippines.

My Current Donor Status is

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

Number of Children





My Health is

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

Blood Type



Provided Egg Donation Before

Marital Status

Why I want to be an egg donor:

My body produces a lot of ovaries every month. It would be such a waste if it won't get fertilized then excrete it in the form of blood. I wanted to donate these precious eggs to put it in a good use and help you build a beautiful family. These beautiful eggs to become a beautiful baby for the beautiful couple to make an AMAZING family.

Description of myself:

First of all, I have good genes. You won't regret picking me. I am beautiful and confident with a heart. This justifies by some of the pageants that I've won on my college years. I can say that I am intelligent for I can discuss to you the pathophysiology of pulmonary embolism. That ladies and gents, is just an example. I love helping people. I am altruistic by nature which made me decide on becoming a donor and even considering on being a surrogate mother. I'd sacrifice for you but don't worry. For you, I'll take counselling on not to get attached on the baby to prevent any complication.

My letter to intended parents:

Dearest Madam/Sir: I would like to apply as an egg donor or possibly a surrogate mother to help you build the family that you want. I am not forcing you or anything, though I am giving you a choice. I don't want you to miss out on these wonderful eggs I am offering you. If I won't get picked out, it's definitely alright and no hard feelings. I just wish you the best of luck, happiness and may God bless you the child that you really want. Take care always, consider the complications/risks on finding/picking the donor or even the surrogates. And may the odds be ever in your favour. Respectfully and truly yours, C


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Marie, Intended Parent
Commented on August 18th, 2016 03:01AM [EDT]
Looking for egg donor
Please email me *** also a filipina..
Maria, Intended Parent
Commented on August 5th, 2016 11:58AM [EDT]
Looking for egg donor
Hi Im looking for an egg donor..If your interested you can reach me at ***
faith, Intended Parent
Commented on July 27th, 2016 04:04AM [EDT]
looking for an egg donor
How can I reach you? I'm from Manila as well. Thanks
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