I would like to become an egg donor because I've seen a lot of couples who are desperate to have a child that would complete their lives but they are not able to have one. I do know the importance of a life and I would like to help people or couples who would value life as much as I value it.
I am a 20-year old BS Accountancy student. A Filipino citizen from birth. I have been a consistent honor student ever since I started studying. I don't smoke because I know it could harm my body in the long run and it irritates me whenever I people smoke near me. Second-hand smoke hurts people more.
Dear Potential Couple, Hi! It would be my pleasure to help you have a child. I may be God's answer to your prayers. I hope you good luck.
Hi. I am Filipino but only in Malaysia an egg donor treatment can be done.
How can i reach you? Do you have fb?
Please email me ***
Hi Pls. Check your inbox I send you a private msg. Maybe thats will works.
Hi Gabrille
Please contact me