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Russian Maria, Russian Egg Donor in Tampa, Florida, USA

Russian Maria
Member Type
Egg Donor
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Date Registered
8 years ago
Profile Updated
8 years ago
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8 years ago
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Egg Donor from Tampa, Florida, USA.

My Current Donor Status is

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

Number of Children




My Health is

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

Blood Type



Provided Egg Donation Before

Marital Status

Why I want to be an egg donor:

I am looking to donate eggs or embryos to a caring family. I am willing to travel, to cover the costs of embryos creation and perhaps some of the surrogacy costs for the right family (I am not available as a surrogate). If there will be a need I am willing to play a supportive role as an auntie of sorts depending on the wishes the adoptive parents. I am open to any race/nationality. I am just hoping to find a genetic match that my physical and mental attributes would 'mesh' well with. I'd very much like to impart a solid intellect to any children I help create. Having a keen and curious mind is something that has enriched my life immensely and I would want them to have that gift as well, as well as the opportunities to explore that gift as fully as possible.

Description of myself:

Hello everyone! I have a busy and active lifestyle, i have a husband and a son whom means the world to me. I am funny, helpful, reliable, Intelligent, humorous, naturally outgoing and social, adventurous, charismatic, artistic, philosophical, musical, kind, and empathetic. Physically attractive/symmetrical, of Russian ancestry. I have a special aptitude for 3 languages. Self taught to read and write before kindergarten. As a teen I began to create my own non-linear (written) language based on Russian, and common colloquialisms. I still use it in my journals for fun. Also, I will beat anyone at scrabble :) I have a combination of left and right brain personality. I have a background in classical music, I enjoy conceptual physics and science fiction. I'm a natural performer, a talented dancer, and enjoy creative writing as well. I have 2 degrees, one in International Tourism, second in Management. I earn my living through online social media marketing position.

My letter to intended parents:

Dear soon to be parent, I want you to understand why I am here. I believe that I have an obligation to help others in need as I have been blessed with my beautiful son. I know know this is not how you pictured your dream of becoming a parent anymore than this is the way a child expects to come into this world but if you ask me to help you you must keep fighting for your child and know that this little miracle is worth all the hard work and tears we must go through until the day they are born. I am nothing more than a vessel holding your baby for safe keeping until he or she is ready to be with you. I know you may have your doubts and perhaps you are even scared but that feeling is a true parental feeling. I can promise you that I am aware of the painful process of donating my eggs and I am still willing to fight through it all to bring you the joy you deserve. I do not discriminate against anyone for any reason. I am simply here for you and I hope you can move past your fears to see that there are still people in the world who want to make a difference in someone's life. Congratulations on taking this step now take one more step and contact me. Don't keep your child waiting. I am a very respectful girl and will answer any questions you have. Having a baby is a magical thing and an incredible journey. Let me know if you would like to have one of my eggs. Maria


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Beverly Hills Egg Donation, Egg Donor Agency
Commented on August 24th, 2017 02:47PM [EDT]
Looking for a Donor
Hi Maria, I'm helping to connect an Intended Parent with a smart, vivacious, high IQ donor like you, and willing to compensate the right candidate very well for their dedication and generosity. If you are interested, please contact us
Philippa, Intended Parent
Commented on August 12th, 2017 03:22PM [EDT]
Hi there, I loved your profile particularly the message to intended parents. I'd love to connect. Please email me Kind regards Philippa
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