Like all of you I too had a hard time conceiving.I produced 18++ high grade eggs at a time from 1 ivf cycle and we have done 3 ivf cycle and 1 IUI after so many miscarriages over the past 3 yrs we were finally given a healthy and big baby boy.So I know your struggle cause I have been there and it's not nice the depression and sadness of wanting a baby I've been there so pls let me help.I've just given birth on Jan 14 *** and ready to donate my eggs.
For those who are really serious and interested pls don't hesitate to email me at k h l o d i a 0 9 1 2 *** g mail .com there are no spaces in between letter it's all in 1 word I just did it this way so it is visible to everyone who's really interested only cause I'm not paying *** to become a member to be able to reply to your msges sorry.Hope to hear from you guys soon xx Khlodia
We are looking for a egg donor. And as you are serious ...we will like to talk about this .Contact me through email *** Thank you and waiting to hear from you
Pls contact me at ***
Hi Marie, I would like to speak to you about egg donation. My wife and I live in HK (French & Filipina) Henri
We are very serious about finding an egg donor so it is good that you are serious about donating your eggs.Is it possible you can email me on so we can communicate that way? Thanks in advance Khlodia.