I want to make someone else's dream to be a parent come true.
Am a hard working mother of 2, am happiest making others happy and am a book lover.
Dear Intended Parent, I know the going has been tough and sometimes you feel like losing hope but I just want you to know there is someone out here crossing their fingers on your behalf and wishing you a chance to be the best Parent you can ever be. A baby won't make everything perfect but when you first hold your baby in your arms and smell that 'new baby smell' life will seem perfect. That first toothless smile will light up the worst of your days and the first time you hear mum/dad will feel like your heart leaving your body. Parenting is a gift that comes with great responsibility. If it comes to you, consider it one. A baby doesn't have to come from you to be yours. Wishing you all the best, Ivy N.