I have thought about this for years because I am a very healthy and fertile woman who has healthy and fertile eggs.I've seen people in my family personally struggle with starting a family of their own and just hearing about fertility struggles for any couple is heartbreaking to me because I know how much children will change your life and I know how much having a family can make your life.Also I'm aware that the financial compensation will further help my family as it continues to grow and prosper.Furthermore I know my donation will help other families start or grow further and that makes me feel so good inside to know that I can help my family and help another family out there is just an amazing concept.
I am a very easy-going laid-back person I like the simple things in life and I am a very dedicated mother and house wife.I also work a night job to help support my family so I know the value of hard work but all in all I'm just a homebody who is interested in living the simple life all about family and my children.My children have changed my life to say the least they have given me a purpose to live up to and a reason to be the best person I can be.And I believe every one deserves to know that type of devotion and love of being a parent :)
Hi there.My name is Kara, and I'm a 27 year old mother of four boys.I am five foot seven and *** lb.I have brown eyes and brown hair and my family heritage from what I know is derived from Indians in the Irish mostly lol.I have my three beautiful baby boys who I get to guide through life.My fourth son was gorgeous and perfect, but,when born a year-and-a-half ago it wasn't a time of completely happiness...When my youngest son was born he had a very rare and non hereditary defect that caused him to pass away rather quickly.So I am a mother who understands loss..And I want to help a family out there start or grow and maybe heal some broken hearts of their own loss or emptiness.I am healthy and as you can see a very fertile active young woman.Life with three boys is a little hectic but I try to have a flexible schedule; even with work I have an amazing partner who I've been with for 4 years and he is wonderful about helping me with the children and I'll try and be as flexible as needed to be.If you have any other questions or concerns you're welcome to email me and I'll try and respond quickly.Thanks :) -Kara