I have seen how much joy child bearing can bring as a medic student i always wanted to help but had age limitations. I somehow feel like i loose these eggs monthly and someone out there needs it. So i made up my mind to help, i also hear you get some fine compensation for it honestly i think i could use that to further my education too. I hope my honesty helps me put a smile in someone's home.
I am a medic, young, talented, understanding, passionate, calm and God loving lady. Although am average height i like to think am tall, a bit light skinned and a lover of family. I like to see light in every tunnel and believe there is hope in whatever situation one finds himself, I am optimistic and goal focused and i love kids. I love knowledge and believe that our greatest fear isn't our inadequacies for there is always a solution but our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
Dear parent, Am happy i could be of help to you, i know not everyone get lucky to know the family for which you are helping so i would just say what i would want to say to you. Thank you for providing the child that would have gone into the sanitary pads and become manure a family, a home, a life, good friends, moral support and upbringing and above all for the LOVE you have for him/her. For this act of kindness your home shall be filled with goodnews, prosperity and healthy life. God bless you.
I am interested in your profile. Please contact me