I was browsing Craigslist just looking at houses, furniture, new job listings and came across so many ads for donors. Ive heard of egg donors but never really thought about how many people couldn't have children or maybe having a harder time . I am fortunate enough to have the option of having children and given that Im no where near ready to start my family, why not help someone who is ready. I couldn't think of a better thing then helping someone with their dream of a family.
I am a fun loving person. I get along with everyone and have a bubbly personality. I'm smart am an artistic person talented in ll performing arts, music, and culinary(especially baking). I see a big plan for my life and have determination to get there. I'm advanced in history, literature, and reading. It comes easy to me and allows me to pick up most things easily. I'm a hard worker and a volunteer and trying to be the best person I can.
Dear potential parent, First off, hello. Im Ashley a 24 year old Mexican American and typical yet original Californian .Thank you for taking the time to view a little about me. I cant imagine what your search is like but am only here to help make it easier. I have such a close relationship with my mother and dad. I could only wish that for everyone. I'm looking to be a donor for someone who is ready for a kid and someone who likes what they know about me so far and are willing to partner together to do something so special and important to you. I very committed and am ready to do all the necessary steps and have no hesitation. Im not looking to try and be involved down the line, I'm donating my eggs as a way to do something big and selfless for someone special as well. Im always ready to answer any questions you may have so please message me and start our journey. :) Best of luck Ashley