As the mother has passed the prime ages for kids but we really want to have kids in our family. Health status of intended mother also suffer from high blood pressure due to work stress and frequent travelling
We have decided to have our own baby at late age.
Dear Potential surrogated mother We would like to have a baby soon due as we are already in our 40s. Due to past medical records of my wife, we need a surrogated mother to take on the role to carry the baby until he is born. Will you able to assist? What would I need to know more about this request. Thank you for your prompt response
If you looking sperms donor I can , I from penang
I can be your surrogate, please contact my email in my profile
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Hello, Are you looking for surrogacy? Kindly Visit our profile, we provide best solution for surrogacy & ivf treatment, in Most of the valuable countries like Mexico, California, Russia, Nepal & India.