Due to my wife's health problems there's no way she can carry a baby without major risks. And if she could she would her first labour was a great experience .
I am a easy going guy get along with anyone i have a beautiful daughter who keeps me going i love doing fun activities painting,drawing,playing games, going to the soft play, i love family time but unfortunately my partner found out she cant have any more babies due to health problems they found out after the birth of our daughter we have been looking but its hard we know alot about surrogacy but we aren't rich we can only afford a few thousand its our dream to have a few kids and recently shes been really down in hoping i can find someone to help us complete our family thanks.
Hi, well in shabaz and my wife is Lydia and if you are interested stall in helping us complete our family and taking on a big journey but an amazing one well please let us know and we appreciate it thanks. Look foward to hearing from use.