My wife and I have not been able to conceive a child on our own, due to medical issues. We have tried IVF with no sucsess, and have embrios ready for more tries. The doctors do not feel we should continue without a surrogate.
I am a hard working person willing to do the work needed. I am an energetic person that is always trying to move forward.
I would like to talk to any potential surrogate who is willing to work with us. This has been a long process so far and we have everything in order, and ready to proceed.
Hello there my name is Crystal based on your profile I believe I can help you and your wife please take a look at my profile and contact me if you agree. I truly hope you guys find the right surrogate for you.
Hi. I'm interested in speaking with you more in depth about being a Surrogate for you and your wife. Feel free to contact me
Hello Matt I would love to talk to you and your wife. Please take a look at my profile. Eileen