We have struggled with infertility since *** welcomed our son (from a frozen embryo transfer) in *** after a successful private gestational surrogacy journey.We would like to have a second child from our seven frozen embryos.
We are a heterosexual couple that have known each other since childhood.We were married in *** and have struggled with infertility since *** father is a part time stay-at-home parent part time X-ray technologist.The mother is a college professor.We are financially secure and eager to expand our family of three to a family of four!
Dear Gestational Surrogate, We welcomed our son in *** through the generosity of a gestational surrogate.We understand the process well and our first surrogacy journey went very smoothly.After experiencing the loss of children through three miscarriages prior to choosing surrogacy, we feel so blessed by anyone willing to give to others in this outstanding way.We are an open and caring couple that yearns to have a second child and wishes for our first child to have a sibling. Thank you for your time and consideration of such an enormous gift.
Hulo there do u still want a surrogate? Iam available if u stil do happily
Hello-- Heartland Surrogacy, based in Iowa, currently has surrogates available for immediate matching.If you're open to working with an agency near you, we'd love to talk! *** of luck!
I'm a gestational surrogate.I've done surrogacy once before and it was very successful. Read my profile.If you would like to know more. Please contact me on
I am interested in becoming a first time ***
Hi my name is Jeni. Just reaching out to some of the fairly local IP's looking for surrogate. Let me know if you have any questions, and I will do my best to answer them. Best of luck to you on your journey 🌺
Email me if you are intrested ***
My name is Anna and this will be my first pregnancy as a surrogate. I am a very giving person and would love nothing more than to give someone one of the most amazing gifts, life to a beautiful bundle of joy. I have no psychological, health or any other issues. Im a NON smoker/drinker/drug user. Very clean, responsible, great mother . So i have help when needed, i can fly in ur contry,