I had a very rough pregnancy with my daughter. I ended up going into heart failure due to the pregnancy. Fortunately, I have since recovered; however the doctors say no more pregnancies for me. We used IVF to conceive my daughter and we still have four embryos (one girl and three boys). We want to give each a chance to grow and become a member of our family. We are interested in implanting two embryos at a time so will need a surrogate who is willing to birth twins if both embryos implant. Additionally, we would like the same surrogate to carry the additional two embryos two years later.
I would describe my husband and myself as a "fun couple!" We love rediscovering our childhood as we take our one year old daughter on adventures to places like Disney. It's such a joyful experience to see her having fun.
My husband and I always wanted children. For unknown reasons, we were not able to conceive on our own, so turned to IVF. We are thrilled with our one year old daughter, and are excited to add to our family! We would like to be involved with the pregnancy, and would hope that a friendship will develop between us and the special person that helps us build the rest of our family.
HI my name is LIndsey and willing to be a surrogate mother for you...please write me back and lets talk more.....
I was born *** married ,I live in Morocco,my husband is from France,I was married at thé âge of 17 with my first husband,I hâd three kids with him,thé youngest one is 17,they were born in USA,two boys were born in california and the girl in philadelphia.I got divorçed when my little girl was more or less one year,hé left us, Than I got married second time,my husband is younger than me,hé never got married so no kids,hé was born in *** we lové each ôther so much,We hâve been trying so hard to hâve à baby but no result,We went through IFV with eggs donors trying all thèse posiblities three years ago but négative,my last transfer was in Spain on thé 29 april,thé betta was on thé 9th may négative.I was so sad heart broken,cant stop crying,In thé hospital in Spain they told us why dont u see a surrogate Mom with my husband sperm,I really need your help as My husband and I are looking for an amazing, special person to help us complete our family..Due to severe endometriosis,and because of my age my eggs are not good, I can't have that baby,but we would need someone to carry our baby for us.If you can help us, please, or if u know someone who can,