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Brandon, American Intended Parent in Smyrna, Georgia, USA

Member Type
Intended Parent
Date Registered
10 years ago
Profile Updated
10 years ago
Last Login
10 years ago
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Intended Parent from Smyrna, Georgia, USA.

Looking to Connect With
Surrogate Mothers

My Couple Type
Gay Couple

Marital Status

My Age

My Nationality

My Race

My Spoken Language(s)


I'm Willing to Travel

Number of Children (non surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children

Prefer Surrogates/Donors from

Explain your reasons for wanting a surrogate/donor:

Hello my name is Brandon and my partners name is Chris. We have been trying to have a child for the past 2 years using a close friend that volunteered to be our surrogate. We moved her in with us and paid for everything for her. We paid for a place to live, her food, her medications, her cloths and pretty much everything, she paid nothing while living in our in-law suite. We discovered after 4 failed attempts she was not taking her medication properly after the transfer in hopes we would allow her to stay in our home longer and pay for everything for her. We have been really beaten down and are just looking for someone honest to help us make our dreams come true. Thank you for reviewing our profile.

How would you best describe yourself(s):

My partner and I are very outgoing. We love to travel the world and are both very active. We have everything except the one thing we want the most and that's a child. We are very well educated and both have very strong family values. We have been together for 11 years and we married in *** in Canada. We have fertilized embryos we just need someone we can trust to carry for us. Thank you for considering.


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Brandi, Surrogate Mother
Commented on February 11th, 2018 05:19PM [EDT]
Hello, my husband and I have decided that we want to help a couple have a baby. When I read your story I had to reach out.
monica, Surrogate Mother
Commented on May 16th, 2015 03:46PM [EDT]
I live in Georgia and would lo e to help o.Your journey
Denisse, Surrogate Mother
Commented on May 12th, 2015 01:00PM [EDT]
It's sad when someone really close to you does somethinq wrong to you.I'm willing to make you and your partner the two most happiest people on earth!! Hope we can get to talk.
Ashleigh, Surrogate Mother
Commented on May 11th, 2015 02:22PM [EDT]
Surrogate Mother
Hello, Are you still looking for a surrogate?
April, Surrogate Mother
Commented on February 12th, 2015 06:48PM [EDT]
I hope you find everything you are looking for.I wish you the best in getting the family you are praying for!
Annastasia, Surrogate Mother
Commented on February 6th, 2015 04:37PM [EDT]
once there is life there is hope....dont b beaten...
Am anna and am willing to help you make your family complete....if you are still looking contact me let's make a connection
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