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cham , Intended Parent in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Member Type
Intended Parent
New Mexico
Date Registered
8 years ago
Profile Updated
8 years ago
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7 years ago
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Intended Parent from Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

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New Mexico

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Melissa, Egg Donor
Commented on January 25th, 2017 02:49PM [EDT]
Egg Donor Available
I'd like to reach out to you before I am older. I've always thought about being a donor; but it wasn't until I completed my family of three children, all with my husband, did I want to truly put myself out there knowing I won't back out. My husband and I have been blessed with three pregnancies resulting in three live births; all full term and without complications. Our children have no medical problems and there's no family history of issues with pregnancies or birth defects. Which is why I'd be the perfect candidate. I want to be a donor because my family is complete. I've had three perfect pregnancies that were full term with no complications. I've never had a miscarriage or need for an abortion. I have many friends that have not been as fortunate, and I've personally seen the struggles they've faced. During my US service, I was unable to donate because of my career and the time in which I had to be at work. Being out of the military, and a stay at home mom, I have all the time in the world to help. I wish you all the best!
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