We have had tried several times to have a baby without sucess. The child born from this procedure will enhance our hapiness as a couple that is together for more than 7 years.
I am into the military and my wife Raquel is an anesthesiologist. We are fond of music, movies, jogging and family reunions. We have no vice and family is our priority.
Dear surrogate mother: your help will be essential for the fulfiness of our hapiness. You can be sure that the baby born from this gestacional surrogacy will be very loved by us and all our family and we will give him/ her the best education possible.
hi, my name is Sheila and I'm 28 years old, I'm Brazilian. I really want to be a surrogate to help people who dream of having their children. I would like to apply to help you have your baby. I am in good health and my exams are up to date. if you are interested you can contact me. thanks
I am reaching out to you and would love to see if we could be a potential match.
Ola meu nome é Mariana, atualmente moro no Brasil, mas posso viajar para realização do seu grande sonho.Não tenho nenhum vicio, minhas gestações foram saudáveis, e estou disposta a realizar o seu grande sonho.
My name is Helen and i would love to help you ^_^
Hello I would love to assist you in this journey. This will be my first time but I believe I am your best canidate.
Hi, my name is Jillian. I would love to talk more with you two. From your profile, it sounds like we could be a good match. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks. -Jillian