We came so very close a couple of years ago when an amazing dear friend agreed to do this for us.However sadly my mum died unexpectedly and I felt it was not the right time.Just the thought that my mum would never meet this special person was too much.Time as they say heals so much, and I know my mum would have loved to see me as a dad.I now feel ready to follow my dream again.Advice and friends greatly welcome.:-)
My name is James and I am married to my husband Alex for 3 years.Sounds really sad but I truly believe we have met our soul mates in each other.Looking to share our word with a little pink or blue special person. We kind of always had the same plan, right from out early dates we k ow we wanted marriage, and of course a little baby.
Although we have not yet met, you may just be that amazing, once in a lifetime person that's going to change our life's ***
Hi. I will like to help you. I was surogate before tor a twins and i hope that i will help you. Please contact me at zero seven seven seven zero one five one three six nine. Thank you