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Yelena, American Intended Parent in Brooklyn, New York, USA

Member Type
Intended Parent
New York
Date Registered
7 years ago
Profile Updated
7 years ago
Last Login
6 years ago
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Intended Parent from Brooklyn, New York, USA.

Looking to Connect With
Surrogate Mothers

My Couple Type
Heterosexual Couple

Marital Status

My Age

My Nationality

My Race

My Religion

My Spoken Language(s)


My Education

Number of Children (non surrogate)

I've Had a Surrogate/Donor Before

Number of Surrogate Children

Prefer Surrogates/Donors Ages

Prefer Surrogates/Donors from

Explain your reasons for wanting a surrogate/donor:

Due to scarring I am not allowed to carry a baby. I have very good egg reserve just can not carry a baby.

How would you best describe yourself(s):

We, husband and wife, are seeking kind hearted woman who is willing to be our surrogate carrier and help us to have our first child.

Use this space to communicate a letter to potential Surrogates/Donors:

Dear surrogate. We live in Brooklyn, NY and we have frozen embryos in NYC clinic waiting for you. Unfortunately NY does not allow surrogacy under any circumstances so we have to look elsewhere. Hopefully we can find someone closely so the travel won't be a burden. Your pregnancy will be monitored, cared for and delivered by your own OB-Gyn. We prefer gestational surrogate who already had one healthy uncomplicated surrogacy pregnancy and who is 21-42 of age. BMI of less than 34. No drugs and tobacco use. No criminal background. No history of depression. Surrogacy is our last hope to have children. Please write to us at y r a s a p at y a h o o com. Take away blank spaces.. Thank you

New York

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Courtney, Surrogate Mother
Commented on March 6th, 2017 09:55PM [EDT]
Hi my name is Courtney I'm 25 years old and I have three kids on my own.Im currently putting myself through nursing school and became more aware of how difficult it. Is for some woman to go through labor and give birth.My mother always teases me about how fertile I am and that's when I realized I could help people in another way .Feel free to contact me.
Lovelty Surrogacy Group, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on February 21st, 2017 03:40PM [EDT]
Hi, being of Russian decent have you considered doing sorrogacy in Russia? It is half price and I have twins born by surrogate there, we can help
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