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Michele, American Intended Parent in San Francisco, California, USA

Member Type
Intended Parent
San Francisco
Date Registered
10 years ago
Profile Updated
10 years ago
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10 years ago
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Intended Parent from San Francisco, California, USA.

Looking to Connect With
Surrogate Mothers

My Couple Type
Heterosexual Couple

My Age

My Nationality

My Race

Number of Children (non surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children

Prefer Surrogates/Donors Ages

Prefer Surrogates/Donors from

Explain your reasons for wanting a surrogate/donor:

I am looking for a surrogate as I have had health issues and am on a medication for life that I cannot b pregnant on. I live a very healthy life, and more than fit to raise a child, but just cannot carry one. I am a bit older, so that adds to why I probably should not. I had a wonderful surrogate who found, but turned out she was diagnosed with diabetes last month and can not carry a child for me. I have eggs and embryos in storage but would try with fresh eggs as well.

How would you best describe yourself(s):

I am very stable, have a successful career, and come from a great family. My parents are still married and very happy. They are grandparents to my sisters baby. My fiancé, has children of his own, he is also very stable and a wonderful father and significant other. We both come from great families and cannot wait to have a child of our own together. I live in SF currently but moving to the East Bay as soon as we get married. I am very easy going, flexible, and cannot wait to find a surrogate as soon s possible. Thanks, I look forward to speaking with you.

San Francisco

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