We have known that surrogacy is the only way that we can have children made by us, for a long time now. We have spent the last number of years researching and making sure that we could support and care for a surrogate in the way that she deserves. We are there now and really want to start trying to make our dreams come true. Tony is originally from the UK and we have legal advice that says that we can use the UK court process to get a Parental Order if our baby is born to a surrogate in the UK. This means that everyone can be properly protected, legally.
We are a loving couple who have been together for just over 12 years and married for nearly 7.Nina had cancer in *** and had to have a hysterectomy - before we got the chance to have a family of our own.We do have three wonderful little frosties that are really high quality ready to try and make our dream come true.
We know how incredibly blessed we would be if you would agree to grow our baby for us.There are no words to express the impact that a child of our own would have on our lives.We live for our nephews and friends' children but it's not the same.There is a gap - a space in our home and in our hearts.Being a surrogate is the most generous anyone could ever be.Thank you for considering it, even if not for us, but for another couple.You will change lives :-) We would love to connect with surrogates in either Ireland or the UK.
You still looking for a surrogate?