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Claudia, Brazilian Intended Parent in Ontario, Canada

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Intended Parent
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Intended Parent from Ontario, Canada.

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Heterosexual Couple

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I've suffered a catastrophic uterine rupture 5 months ago during the pushing stage of an attempted VBAC and ended up losing my second son and my uterus. We're heartbroken oven the fact that our 3 year old son Lucas really wants a sibling and we never planned having an only kid. We're desperately looking for ways to complete our family. Would you help us make our dream come true?

Use this space to communicate a letter to potential Surrogates/Donors:

Hello everyone. I'll try to outline my situation in a few words.Me and hubby are from Brazil and got our canadian citizenship last month.I'm 34, he's 38, we've been together for over 10 years and we have a 3 year old son called Lucas.We got pregnant the second time last year and lost the baby boy along with my uterus last March to a catastrophic uterine rupture during the pushing stage of an attempted VBAC. We have been forever changed by the loss of our angel baby Daniel (that handsome little fellow on the picture) and will continue to miss him deeply every day of our lives.Each day is a struggle, but I'm doing it.I have been working full time since a month after we lost Daniel and doing my best to raise Lucas the best way I can.I'm lucky to have a wonderful therapist who's helping me a lot and to be on a great anti-depressant medication but some days are still very very hard.I still have crying spells that are so bad I just feel like giving up.I’m heartbroken because Lucas really wants a sibling and we never planned to have an only kid.Every time someone comes to pick up something that was intended for Daniel that I sold on Kijiji Lucas protests and asks us not to sell it because that's for his baby.It breaks my heart in a million pieces. Adoption is not an option for us for a number of reasons so we're stuck with surrogacy.The problem is we don't have a lot of money, as I'm a receptionist and my husband is a legal assistant (which is basically a male receptionist =c) I have been working really hard in the past 2 months to do some fundraising on my little spare time.So far I've had a yard and bake sale and I've able to raise some money selling handmade jewellery to friends and family.Check out my Etsy shop when you have a chance: *** So far I have raised *** which is not much at all, but I know I have a long road ahead of me and I'll keep trying and trying.If we're not successful in the end at least I won't have any regrets.I'm also trying to donate eggs to help minimize the surrogacy costs (as I'm an experienced egg donor and donated 3 times in the past through an agency when we lived in the States) but so far no success on that.Unfortunately time is not on our side, as women who have a hysterectomy and retain their ovaries experience a 50% risk of entering natural menopause within the following five years, irrespective of their age at the time of surgery, so we need to take action as soon as possible. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.And thanks in advance if you can help us out in any way (would you consider being our surrogate if we're not able to give you a compensation? Could you spare any donations to our cause? Would you be interested in purchasing some really cute handmade jewelry for a good cause? Would you be able to share our story with your friends and family in hopes someone could help us out? Do you have any suggestions or ideas you'd like to share?) Every little bit helps us to get one step closer to our dream of giving Lucas a sibling.If you have any questions or just would like to get in touch, please do not hesitate to contact me.I'm looking forward to hearing from you. All my best, Claudia Moura

Just a cry for help
(899) (0)
Just a cry for help
by Claudia on August 09th, 2014 under Surrogacy Journey
Hello everyone. I'll try to outline my situation in a few words.Me and hubby are from Brazil and got our canadian citizenship last month.I'm 34, he's 38, we've been together for over 10 years and we h... Read more

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