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Nigel, Intended Parent in Brisbane, California, USA

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Intended Parent
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Intended Parent from Brisbane, California, USA.

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Center of Reproductive Medicine, Fertility Clinic
Commented on November 30th, 2017 06:30AM [EDT]
Surrogacy and egg donation
Hello! I am a representative of the Center of Reproductive Medicine "New Life" in Ukraine, which main field of activity is ART, surrogate motherhood and donation of oocytes. We have a huge base of surrogate mothers ( more than *** ) and egg donors ( more than *** ) and we will be happy to help you select a surrogate mother/ egg donor who will meet your requirements. Starting cooperation with us, you are already one step closer to fulfilling your cherished dream.
Cyprus Famagusta IVF Hospital, Fertility Clinic
Commented on October 30th, 2017 08:10AM [EDT]
Hello i am Dr.Serap and we offer surrogacy.Everything is done scientifically and with a great care and we offer a sucess rate of *** will be responsible for everything from the beginning till the birth of a healthy child.Gender selection can be included in the price without any extra charges.If you are interested please contact us
Surrogacy and Egg Donation Center Georgia , Surrogacy Agency
Commented on October 23rd, 2017 07:18PM [EDT]
Currogacy Georgia
Surrogacy and Egg Donation center “Happy Family” is one of the most successful agencies in Caucasus region, existing on the market for 6 years.The company’s founder has more than 10 years experience in this field.As part of our service, we offer to our patient’s premium IVF clinic and help them find the right surrogate and egg donor.We lead all the process, from the beginning until our patients return home with their new babies.We cooperate with all in vitro clinics in and outside of Georgia.The company has own lawyers who solves absolutely all questions relating to patients.(“Happy Family” has very good reputation, never heaving problems of any cases).Our main target is always to have satisfied patients and we do care for their maximum comfort.During the whole pregnancy, we support 24/7 communication with patients.The company has professional staff fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian, if the patient does not speak any of these languages, the company provides an interpreter in the required language.The services provided by the company also include pick up from the airport, provision of hotel, apartment and transport, visit of clinics and also touristic services upon request.What are our advantages? One of our biggest advantages is our database of Surrogate Mothers and Egg Donors.Before we add them in our base, they have procedure list, pass testing with psychologist, medical check ups etc.All donors are educated and they lead a healthy lifestyle.Relying on the results of studies, the number of their follicles varies have to be from 18 to 27, what is considered an excellent result.We are very proud that as a result of our hard working, over the *** children were born.Another reason, why patients choose Georgia as a country where they will pass through the surrogacy journey, is ease of execution of documents.The procedure for issuing a birth certificate is simple and does not require the hiring of additional lawyers.Parents will have the right to withdraw their child to their country at any time, after the issuance of the child's born certificate.Preparation process from a distance - how does it work? The first communication with the patient is via e-mail.We answer your questions, providing all necessary information and for next step, we can go for further actions.After selection of donors and Surrogate Mother, we carefully select donors, corresponding to the patient request and characterization.The final stage is the preparation for the arrival of patients which includes: Coordination of organizational matters with clinic Preparation of all necessary documents Preparation of Egg Donor and Surrogate Mother (synchronization of their cycles) If the donor is the patient himself, it is possible to start preparing for the puncture remotely, that is, to begin stimulation before arriving, on the recommendation of our doctor.Pick up at the Airport and provision of hotel if needed.When the patient arrives, the process begins immediately Depending on the requested package; the process lasts no more than 5 days.We don’t have a waiting list! We offer conditions and service according to patients allowance and there possibility.The Countries where most of our patients come from are: USA, Israel.Spain, Japan, Australia, China, Azerbaijan, Sweden, Kuwait, Italy, Romania, Hungary.
Drielly , Surrogate Mother
Commented on October 20th, 2017 10:40PM [EDT]
surrogate mother
I am interested, if you need a surrogate mother, I am at your disposal.
GFJ, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on October 13th, 2017 06:54AM [EDT]
Contact me if u r looking for surrogate mother
Tetiana , Egg Donor
Commented on October 12th, 2017 06:51AM [EDT]
Egg donor
Hello. Please contact me if you are interesting in Egg donor
, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on October 12th, 2017 04:26AM [EDT]
Surrogate mother for You
Hi! I want to make your dream of happy parenthood come true and I'm willing to help you!
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