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Joanne, British Intended Parent in Lancashire, United Kingdom

Member Type
Intended Parent
United Kingdom
Date Registered
10 years ago
Profile Updated
10 years ago
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Intended Parent from Lancashire, United Kingdom.

Looking to Connect With
Surrogate Mothers, Egg Donors

My Couple Type
Heterosexual Couple

Marital Status

My Age

My Nationality

My Race

My Religion

My Spoken Language(s)


My Education

I'm Willing to Travel

Number of Children (non surrogate)

I've Had a Surrogate/Donor Before

Number of Surrogate Children

Prefer Surrogates/Donors Ages

I've Budgeted for Surrogacy Expenses

Prefer Surrogates/Donors of these Nationalities

Prefer Surrogates/Donors from
United Kingdom

Explain your reasons for wanting a surrogate/donor:

Sean and I had planned to start a family together however after my breast cancer diagnosis this was halted. We were fortunate enough to have IVF prior to my chemotherapy and we have two embryos in storage, we'd like to try GS surrogacy in the first instance and if this should fail then we will look to donor eggs.

How would you best describe yourself(s):

We are a fun loving couple that are easy going and friendly. We have been together 8 years, married for 6. We are both hard working and have worked in radio for 7 years. We are both keen gym and keep fit people .... Sean completed the UK Ironman in July. He's my hero :0)

Use this space to communicate a letter to potential Surrogates/Donors:

We always envisaged having a child together. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, at 39, time was most definitely not on my side, after surgery, we embarked on IVF to harvest my eggs on the advice of my oncologist – the chemotherapy treatment would inevitably destroy my eggs and then the ability to conceive 'naturally'. We had a 27 day window to conduct an intense course of IVF - Tuesday morning at 8:30am I had my eggs harvested in Manchester, at 1:30pm that afternoon I was at Burnley General Hospital about to start my 1st of 6 gruelling chemotherapy treatments. That evening we received the awesome news that we'd managed to produce two embryo's, these are now frozen in storage ..... Introducing "Pinky & Perky". 3 years on, treatment finished - chemo done; radiotherapy done; hair re-grown and life back to "normal" (as normal as can be). We have had to accept that unfortunately it’s medically too dangerous for me to be pregnant due to my cancer being oestrogen positive ... So to that end we need to enlist the help of a surrogate to realise our dreams! We are happy to travel to meet the right person ... it's all about the relationship with the surrogate and her family first and foremost. xx

United Kingdom

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April, Surrogate Mother
Commented on November 9th, 2014 02:16PM [EDT]
Hi, I'm an experienced GS looking to start my next journey.If your still looking for a surrogate please email me.
Jennifer, Surrogate Mother
Commented on November 8th, 2014 01:14PM [EDT]
I would love to help you out.Feel free to contact me via email
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