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kam yuen, Chinese Intended Parent in Chicago, Illinois, USA

kam yuen
Member Type
Intended Parent
Date Registered
6 years ago
Profile Updated
4 years ago
Last Login
3 years ago
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Intended Parent from Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Looking to Connect With
Surrogate Mothers, Egg Donors

My Couple Type
Heterosexual Couple

Marital Status

My Age

My Nationality

My Race

My Religion

My Spoken Language(s)


My Education

I'm Willing to Travel

Number of Children (non surrogate)

I've Had a Surrogate/Donor Before

Number of Surrogate Children

Prefer Surrogates/Donors Ages

I've Budgeted for Surrogacy Expenses

Prefer Surrogates/Donors of these Nationalities
African, American, Brazilian, Chinese

Prefer Surrogates/Donors from

Explain your reasons for wanting a surrogate/donor:

My wife is too old to carry a baby and we love babies so so much but tried for 2 years but of no vain, we dont have much time as we are already 41.

How would you best describe yourself(s):

We are couple from HK but my mother in law lives in chicago, we want to find a surrogacy mother to carry baby(ies) for us, we can try out best to meet your requirement, twin(more), we prefer a non-smoker, healthy lifestyle, take our suggested nutrition supplement(bought in usa) during pregnant and provide breast milk after brith, say 3 months at an additional compensation.

Use this space to communicate a letter to potential Surrogates/Donors:

Dear surrogacy mothers, you are my savior, pls help us, thx We are couple from HK but my mother in law lives in chicago, we want to find a surrogacy mother to carry baby(ies) for us, we can try out best to meet your requirement, twin(more), we prefer a non-smoker, healthy lifestyle, take our suggested nutrition supplement(bought in usa) during pregnant and provide breast milk after brith, say 3 months at an additional compensation. . My wife is too old to carry a baby and we love babies so so much but tried for 2 years but of no vain, we dont have much time as we are already 41.


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Елена, Surrogate Mother
Commented on March 24th, 2021 04:44AM [EDT]
💕 A surrogate mother or egg donor for you.
Hey! 🤗Still in search. See my profile.💌
Rose, Surrogate Mother
Commented on March 10th, 2021 05:02PM [EDT]
Hello please send me a private inbox message. I will discuss with you details! Thanks
Rose, Surrogate Mother
Commented on March 10th, 2021 05:01PM [EDT]
Hello.. I saw your message but can you please private inbox me? So we can discuss more, I can tell you more details. Thank you !
Елена, Surrogate Mother
Commented on January 26th, 2021 12:35PM [EDT]
I’ll become an egg donor or a surrogate mother.
Hello! 💕 A surrogate mother or egg donor for you. We can put together a program in Cyprus or anywhere. I really look forward to your reply💌
Victoria, Surrogate Mother
Commented on January 23rd, 2021 07:47AM [EDT]
Hello, I am a surrogate mother from Ukraine, I can help you, despite the fact that there is such a long distance between them, I want to help in these matters, I am experienced
Victoria, Surrogate Mother
Commented on January 23rd, 2021 05:42AM [EDT]
Hello, I am a surrogate mother from Ukraine, I can help you, despite the fact that there is such a long distance between them, I want to help in these matters, I am experienced
Елена, Surrogate Mother
Commented on January 23rd, 2021 02:43AM [EDT]
I’ll become an egg donor or a surrogate mother.
Hello! 💕 A surrogate mother or egg donor for you. We can put together a program in Cyprus or anywhere. I really look forward to your reply💌
Елена, Surrogate Mother
Commented on January 22nd, 2021 11:36AM [EDT]
I’ll become an egg donor or a surrogate mother.
Hello! 💕 A surrogate mother or egg donor for you. We can put together a program in Cyprus or anywhere. I really look forward to your reply💌
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