I have my doubts on whether my womb is a good enough host. I have a history of multiple fibroids in my womb. I had major surgery in April, 15 fibroids were removed! I understand I have some immune problems too which may implantation difficult. I just feel that if our embryos are genetically perfect they may have the best chance in a womb which is perfectly healthy. I have just had an unsuccessful IVF attempt. We transferred 4 Grade 1, day 3 embryos and none of them took ! I do feel very sad about this but understand at my age, the embryos may not have been perfect...?!!
Bubbly, busy, optimistic, joyful as described by my husband. Just feel rather depressed at the moment about my age and very sad about our personal circumstances in not being able to have had our own offspring!
It is very hard for me to consider a surrogate mother because I would so dearly love to carry my own baby. My problem is at my age of 43, I am running out of time and chances. If I had a surrogate gestational Mom who did have a successful pregnancy this would be the most amazing gift to us.
Hi Anne, this is Neha from Mumbai India, i don't know whether you would like to have me as your surrogate but i would like you to have a look at my profile.I am going for surrogacy for financial reasons and i don't want my relatives to know about this because however noble this task maybe, no one atleast in India understands this.If you thi k that i can carry your baby for you pls contact me. Regards Neha