We are unable to carry a baby do to my body fight off the baby as a foreign object.
Hardworking, loyal , understanding, strong , caring
Our journey started in *** son was born and was taken from us at seven months old.We were young so we waited till *** to try to have a family.We were having difficulties with my cycles being irregular.So we saw infertility specialist who got that back on track.We conceived and we lost the baby at 16 weeks.After that we continue to try and have seven *** we started fostering and later adopted her in *** In that timeframe We had three miscarriages.In May *** the night before my father passed away.He kept telling me to hold the baby love the baby.Putting my hands in the position as I was holding a baby.Can you g we have three more miscarriages.In May *** the night before my father passed away.He kept telling me to hold the baby love the baby.Putting my hands in the position as I was holding a baby.That gave me hope that maybe my dream wasn’t over.So I went to see if fetal medicine doctor.He reviewed on my records. That gave me hope that made me my dream was an over.So I went to see if fetal medicine doctor.He reviewed on my records. He said I would have a 20% chance of carrying a baby medicated and that still would not guarantee excess for pregnancy.He told me my best shot was defined as Suggogate mother to carry a baby for me.My body fights off the baby as a foreign object which terminate my pregnancy