We have a naturally conceived daughter born after five years of trying. I'm well into my forties and would love to extend the family, it seems such a shame if she doesn't have a sibling. I realise I can't do this without help. I think it's a miracle if you can get pregnant because you actually decide to! I would love to have that ability, but sadly I haven't. If someone with that magic can help me, I'd be so grateful.
Thoughtful, caring, loving
Hello! 💕 Surrogate mother or an egg donor for you. We can make a program in Cyprus or wherever you want. Really looking forward to your answer. Email me: 💌
Hello! 💕 Surrogate mother or an egg donor for you. We can make a program in Cyprus or wherever you want.
If you're looking for a donor please take a look at my profile.If you would like to know any more about me contact me,