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theresa, Italian Intended Parent in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Member Type
Intended Parent
North Carolina
Date Registered
9 years ago
Profile Updated
2 years ago
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Intended Parent from Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

Looking to Connect With
Surrogate Mothers

My Couple Type
Heterosexual Couple

Marital Status

My Age

My Nationality

My Race

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Number of Children (non surrogate)

I've Had a Surrogate/Donor Before

Number of Surrogate Children

Prefer Surrogates/Donors from

Explain your reasons for wanting a surrogate/donor:

Unable to carry due to medical condition

Use this space to communicate a letter to potential Surrogates/Donors:

We have been married for almost 10 years. My wife is unable to carry due to an autoimmune condition. We have been wanting a child for a very long time and have been going through cycles of IVF. We have two frozen embryos waiting to be transferred and are completing one more cycle right now in the hopes of getting another. Our embryo's have been tested and are excellent quality. We live in NY and would consider anyone in the United States. We are very easy going and just want the surrogate to be healthy and happy. When searching for a couple to carry for, Please consider us! Thank you! Carrier Requirements 39 or younger No more than 3 c-sections Not more than 5 pregnancies BMI under 32 No drugs , Smoking STD's 21 or over

North Carolina

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