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Robert, American Intended Parent in Brooklyn, New York, USA

Member Type
Intended Parent
New York
Date Registered
5 years ago
Profile Updated
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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Intended Parent from Brooklyn, New York, USA.

Looking to Connect With
Surrogate Mothers

My Couple Type
Single Man

Marital Status

My Age

My Nationality

My Race


Number of Children (non surrogate)

I've Had a Surrogate/Donor Before

Number of Surrogate Children

Prefer Surrogates/Donors of these Nationalities

Prefer Surrogates/Donors from

Explain your reasons for wanting a surrogate/donor:

During my marriage, my wife and I waited until later in life to start a family.After consulting with a fertility clinic and going over all of our options, unfortunately my spouse decided she no longer wanted children and eventually we divorced.My fear was that at my later stage of life how would it be possible to begin another relationship, find love and have someone who desired children as much as I do. I decided to turn to surrogacy.I am working with an amazing agency call The Surrogacy Experience. Read their reviews, they are a caring and compassionate company that has the best support. I know that both my carrier and I will be very well taken care of throughout this journey. I'm very aware that my age and being single may be a hindrance to some.I feel that my age is a benefit as I am secure, mature and at a place where I am about to retire and dedicate all my time to my child.I have a huge family who will be there to support me and my child through everything. I just need to find the right person who can help me complete my desire to be a father.

How would you best describe yourself(s):

People would describe me as someone who loves his family. I am very sociable and friendly and overall a happy man. I enjoy being in the outdoors, bicycling, hiking and traveling. I also enjoy sports, movies and the theater.

Use this space to communicate a letter to potential Surrogates/Donors:

My name is Robert, and I live in New York. I currently work for the National Grid, but I am hoping for retirement soon, so I can devote all my time to a child. I have come to realize that my dream of starting a family may not happen in the traditional way and have decided to explore surrogacy to have a child. I come from a tight family of Italian descent. I am very close with my Aunts, Uncles, cousin and my brother. We are a loving family, law abiding and religious. My family is very happy for me and my decision and will be with me *** in supporting a child. I am looking to be matched with a woman who lives in a healthy and supportive environment.I would like her to be both physically and emotionally healthy as well.My belief is that if someone is willing to give this gift, they are already a good and decent person.As the pregnancy progresses, I would like to attend the milestone appointments.I would like to receive updates via phone or email for other appointments. For the birth, I would like to participate to whatever extent you feel comfortable with. I am open to letting the relationship evolve naturally as our journey together progresses, but minimally would include updates and pictures during birthdays and the holidays. I understand my situation is a little different than most, but I want so badly to be a father and would be so grateful for someone to help make that dream reality. Thank you for reading my profile ~ Robert.

New York

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Sasha, Surrogate Mother
Commented on September 30th, 2019 08:27AM [EDT]
Surrogate mother
Hello dear, I have read your profile and love the way you enjoy life and I'm also willing to help you with making the dream of being a parent come through however I'm living in Guyana and from the sound of things I know you will be a great parent so if you don't mind taking a look at my profile I would highly appreciate helping you. Thanks for you time.
Елена, Surrogate Mother
Commented on July 2nd, 2019 04:35PM [EDT]
The surrogate mother ,
Hi! Surrogate mother , I bear the child with love and accuracy.Ready to start the program.Write , *** waiting.
Stork Service, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on June 14th, 2019 04:11AM [EDT]
we are here to help you
Hi Robert, We are the full service leading Surrogacy and egg donation agency in Tbilisi, Georgia.We provide donor and surrogacy services for Heterosexual Couples, Gay Couples, Lesbian Couples, Single Women and Single Men.Our surrogates can also fly outside Georgia.We have a huge base of surrogate mothers and egg donors and we'll be happy to help you select a surrogate mother and/or egg donor, who will fulfill your requirements.Also, it is possible to book free online consultation with Doctor.We are here to help and support them through all the stages of their surrogacy journey.We sincerely decided to devote our activities to help childless couples find the joy of parenting.This common goal makes the staff of the center a cohesive team.We have worked out the scheme of supporting biological parents, and accompanying surrogate mothers and oocyte donors.The best clinics in reproductive medicine are among our partners.Effective logistics makes it possible to provide our services to clients from all over the world.We have a parents from the countries where surrogacy is not legal, such as Germany, Spain, China.We really are the company who you can trust.If you will be interested in our services, please don’t hesitate to contact me.I will send you all the packages and price lists.We already have served intended parents from Australia, Spain, Italy, Israel, China, Greece, Portugal, UNM, France, Canada, Finland, USA, Hungary and Russia.Our company is working with medical tourism since *** and with surrogacy since *** to hear from you soon.
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